Abrazo Garden and Woods

The garden may only be around 13 metres wide but it is over 200 metres long and as you walk from the house to the far end you will pass through several different areas. Whilst parts of the garden are close to being finished, other areas are still being actively developed, with our team planting new trees and shrubs every few days at the moment! The aim is to create spaces with different feels, and areas where you can set up for photography, painting, life drawing, meditation, or whatever else inspires you.

The garden is constantly being updated so the photographs may not reflect how it looks at the moment.

Patio and Upper Lawn

Adjacent to the house is a patio area that is completely secuded from the neighbours. It has plants, a variety of tables and chairs to choose from, and protection from the wind. It faces west, so gets full sun in the late afternoon, and partial sun in the morning.

We are in the process of updating the patio area with art works on the walls, a new colour scheme, and a northern Mediterranean feel.

From the patio you step onto the upper lawn, an area surrounded by plants and flowers (depending on season).

Lower Lawn

The slope of the garden descends steadily from the end of the upper lawn down to the edge of the woods. Just before you get into the woods there is a second lawn area which is currenly mown into a circle and surrounded by wild flowers and young shrubs. As the plants mature this will become a secluded space accessible through an ornamental pathway, and forming a gateway to the woods beyond.


The farthest part of the garden from the house, between the lower lawn and the final boundary, is all woodlands. This is in need of some coppicing and genearl tree maintenance to let more light down to ground level, but even in its current state there are all sorts of creative opportunities.

We are also only a short walk away from an extended area of woodland and paths that could easily take you all day to navigate. We can provide directions and an annotated map to help you find your way around.

The Garden

©2022 Abrazo Art and Dance. Contact info@abrazo.dance